Friday, February 1, 2013

review: 21-day weight loss kickstart by neal d. bardnard, md

Based on a program Neal D. Barnard, MD launched through the nonprofit group he founded, the 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart focuses on a plant-based diet that involves no change to how you exercise (though the doctor does point out that there are, of course, benefits to exercise).  Kickstart also doesn’t have any calorie restrictions because Dr. Barnard believes people on the diet will naturally consume fewer calories because they need less food to feel full.  The plan includes a number of recipes (some of which were really great in my opinion) and suggestions for convenience foods and restaurant meals.  

Now I am by no means a vegetarian, so the vegan diet put forth in this book doesn’t really work for me, but what the doctor has to say does make sense and he reports on studies to back up his claims.  Early on Dr. Barnard writes of how our diet has changed over the decades.  It’s not just that many people no longer are as physically active as our ancestors, Americans now consume 75lbs. more meat and 29lbs. more cheese than in 1909.  One should always consult a physician before starting a weight-loss plan, but the substitution of fruits, vegetables, and legumes for the incredible increase of meat and dairy is pretty much intuitive.  You can find more information along with meal plans (I like the Green Apple Oatmeal and Black Bean Chili) on the Kickstart website.
Review copy provided by the publisher, Grand Central Life & Style.

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