Monday, April 18, 2011

review: emily and einstein by linda francis lee

A seemingly perfect life is almost destroyed when Emily’s husband Sandy is hit and killed by a car. Sandy, who was quite the jerk even if Emily didn’t know it, is then given the chance to make things right when he’s given new life as a stray dog named Einstein. Considering how much of a jerk Sandy is after he’s turned into a dog, I can only imagine how atrocious his behavior must have been as a man; it made me wonder how Emily could’ve loved and trusted him as much as she did.

Once Emily’s sister as well as a new love interest (the oh so sexy Max) arrived on scene, my interest in Emily and Einstein heightened. Not only does Emily really start living again, but the way two sisters, who couldn’t have been more different, interacted was really well done. Emily is the level-headed one while Jordan has always been flighty. Their dynamic was perfect and the part of the story that I enjoyed the most.
Review copy provided by BookDivas.

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