Saturday, July 6, 2013

review: fox forever by mary e. pearson

If you haven’t read The Adoration of Jenna Fox (the first book in Mary E. Pearson’s The Jenna Fox Chronicles trilogy), you really should; however, you can probably pass on the following two books which hardly feature Jenna at all. Note that this review of Fox Forever contains some spoilers for the previous books.

After the car crash that took his life 260 years ago, Jenna’s friend Locke has a new body thanks to BioPerfect. Due to events in The Fox Inheritance, Locke is working with a group called the Network to take down the government. Because Locke still looks like a teenager, he’s supposed to gain the trust of the teenage daughter of a government official. It’s no surprise when Locke and Raine fall for each other, but then Locke learns Raine’s true identity.

Although I found Jenna’s story gripping in the first book, I wasn’t interested in that of her friends in the second or third—Locke just isn’t that interesting. The end of Fox Forever did pick up after a very slow start, but it was too late for me.
Review copy provided by the publisher, Henry Holt and Company.

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