Wednesday, December 23, 2015

review: love letters from mount rushmore by richard cerasani

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Beautifully laid with family photographs and photocopies of the actual letters, Love Letters from Mount Rushmore tells the tale of actor (and now, author) Richard Cerasani's parents. Cerasani's father was a struggling sculptor who went to work in South Dakota to assist in the creation of Mount Rushmore. The young Cerasani stayed behind in New York with his mother and brother. In sharing his parents' story, Cerasani reveals a history not taught in schools. It is a wonderful glimpse into the people who made a national monument. Love Letters also shows the remarkable entrepreneurship of his mother. During her short visit she made money giving tours. His narration combined with excerpts from the letters provide insight not just into the relationship between husband and wife, but the working relations between the men and the circumstances they dealt with while constructing a national attraction. The personal story combined with short profiles on some of the others involved provides a fascinating look at an aspect of US history.
Review copy provided by the publicist, Media Connect.

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