Monday, February 3, 2014

review: the circle by sara b. elfgren & mats strandberg

After the apparent suicide of a classmate, six high school girls are brought together by an unknown force. The school janitor is their confused leader for there’s only supposed to be one deemed Chosen and if it’s a Circle, there should be seven. Eventually the girls learn they’re being hunted by an evil force that’s killing them, but the authors of the first book in the Engelsfors trilogy take a long time to get there. Most of The Circle is filled with standard high school antics as the girls party, have sex, and fight with their parents. They also discover their magical abilities which some use for personal gain to the extent of dire consequences. With incredibly slow development of the plot and six main characters, The Circle was hard to get into though it picked up once the girls learned of doppelgangers and the evil in their town.
Review copy provided by the publisher, Overlook.

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